2016年5月10日 星期二


De Wit L, Putman K, Lincoln N, Baert I, Berman P, Beyens H, Bogaerts K, Brinkmann N, Connell L, Dejaeger E, De Weerdt W, Jenni W, Lesaffre E, Leys M, Louckx F, Schuback B, Schupp W, Smith B, Feys H. Stroke rehabilitation in Europe: what do physiotherapists and occupational therapists actually do? Stroke. 2006 Jun;37(6):1483-9.

Main findings: Comparison of the 2 therapeutic disciplines on the pooled data of the 4 centers revealed that ambulatory exercises, transfers, exercises, and balance in standing and lying occurred significantly more often in PT sessions. Activities of daily living, domestic activities, leisure activities, and sensory, perceptual training, and cognition occurred significantly more often in OT sessions.


1 則留言:

  1. 而且已經發表10年了,迄今已被引用 91 次了。。。
