● 重點紀錄:
《Persuading, Influencing & Negotiating》
1. Use positive rather than negative language.
2. Mirroring the other person's mannerisms.
3. Explain the benefits of your argument.(與論文寫作有類似的技巧─賣點!)
4. Emphasize how costs and problems can be minimized.
5. Challenge the points of view expressed by others.
《Body language》
1. An open posture represents a more relaxed, open attitude.
2. Sit up reasonably straight and still.(我自己需要時常留意的一點)
3. Don’t sit with your arms crossed.
《Questioning & Gathering Information》
1. Use the active not passive voice.
2. The longer it takes to get answer, the more powerful the answer is likely to be.
3. Good questions type: open ended, probing, what if, clarifying & the devil's advocate.
《Motivating & Supporting》
1. Taking a share of the responsibility.
2. Members feel free to criticize and say what they think in a positive, constructive manner.
● 修改建議:
1. 投影片內容盡量以大綱條列,若難以刪減內容,則需標出重點字句,否則聽眾難以快速掌握重點。
2. 不需按照投影片內容逐字翻譯,建議可於準備時,先讀懂內容,並試著以自己的話說明,避免演講內容過於生硬、不流暢。
3. Interview之要點可考慮彙整成溝通技巧之另一主題,但若與其他主題重複性高,則可考慮刪除。Teamworking Skills由於主題明確,且內容完整豐富,建議可考慮新增為溝通技巧之另一主題。
4. 演講前之準備,可仿照實際情況撥放投影片,看著螢幕解說並計時,以增加臨場感,並確實掌握報告時間。
5. 大標題與次標題之編號格式宜作區隔,如(一)(1)1。
6. Good question之the devil’s advocate與Bad question之leading question二者之解釋及例子相近,但卻分屬不同問題類別,講者須更清楚地說明兩者之區別。於我的理解,我認為the devil’s advocate之問題較近似於辯論中之反方,提出反面之議題讓大家反思論點是否有未考慮周詳之處;而leading question則為提問者已認定某件事為負面的,並要求回答者認同其看法。