2012年5月21日 星期一


1.(stroke$ or cva$ or poststroke$ or post-stroke$).tw.
2.((cerebrovascular or cerebral vascular) adj3 (accident$ or insult? or insufficien$)).tw.
3.(cerebral or brain$ or vertebrobasilar).tw.
4.(infarct$ or isch?emi$ or emboli$ or thrombo$ or apoplexy).tw.
5.3 and 4
6.(cerebral or brain or subarachnoid).tw.
7.(h?emorrhage or h?ematoma or bleed$).tw.
8.6 and 7
9.exp cerebrovascular disorders/
10.exp hemiplegia/ or exp paresis/
11.(hemipar$ or hemiple$).tw.
12.1 or 2 or 5 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11

13.(feel$ or emotion$ or sentiment$).tw.
14.(depress$ or anxi$).tw.
15.13 or 14
16.12 and 15
17.limit 16 to (english language and humans)

13.(Patient$ or inpatient$ or care$ or care?giver$ or family).tw.
14.(education$ or information$ or knowledge or counsel$ or teach$).tw.
15.13 and 14
16.patient education as topic/ or health education/ or health knowledge, attitudes, practice/
17.((stroke or occupational therapy) adj3 knowledge).tw.
18.15 or 16 or 17
19.12 and 18
20.limit 19 to (english language and humans)

13.Diagnostic Self Evaluation/
16.((self or patient or client) adj3 (report$ or perceive$)).tw.
17.subjective experience.tw.
18.13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17
19.activities of daily living/ or self care/ or leisure activities/
20.recovery of function/
21.exp work/ or human activities/
22.("activities of daily living" or ADL or EADL orBADL or IADL).tw.
23.((self or personal) adj3 (care or manage$)).tw.
24.(function or ability or capability or difficulty).tw.
25.(impact or influence$).tw.
26.19 or 20 or 21 or 22 or 23 or 24 or 25
27.12 and 18 and 26
28.limit 27 to (english language and humans)

13.(expect$ or anticipat$ or prospect).tw.
14.(rehab$ or treat$ or intervention or therapy).tw.
15.(recover$ or improve$).tw.
16.14 or 15
17.13 and 16
18.12 and 17
19.limit 18 to (english language and humans)

