2016年10月12日 星期三


l   個人社交技巧: social skills that directly affect the performance of job tasks
n   Personal: grooming, personal hygiene, dressing, personal appearance, body odor, bizarre/emotional/aggressive/vulgar behavior
n   Interpersonal: behave/interact appropriately during lunch/break
l   職務相關社交技巧: social skills that are not directly related to performance of job tasks but may be important for successful employment
n   Personal: politeness, bizarre/emotional/aggressive/vulgar behavior
n   Interpersonal: behave/interact appropriately during job interview and work
l   重要的社交技巧/情境
n   表達/接受:request, express/provide, respond (accept/decline), question
u  內容:(positive & negative) feelings, corrections, criticism, explanation, information, assistance, instruction, task materials, compliment, suggestions, demands (e.g., leave, break, vacation), work assignment, unreasonable requests (e.g., work overtime), teasing, joking,  greetings, forgiveness, complaint, apologize
n   其它社交技巧:Listen while other person speaks avoid interrupting, follow instructions, compromise, negotiate, discuss, meet new workers, initiate conversation (e.g., develop chatting topics), make friends, approach others, be approached by others, join social groups, cooperate, works comfortably in the presence of supervisor/coworkers/others, saying irrelevant things, make an appointment over phone, interpersonal problem solving skills (e.g., resolve a conflict), notify appropriate person when work was finished, take one's turn
l   評分面向
n   non-verbal: eye contact, body posture, gestures, bodily movements, physical proximity, facial expressions, emotional state
n   paralinguistic: fluency, tone, pitch volume, clarity, and, pace of voice, speech disturbance, latency to respond
n   verbal: politeness, form, structure, content and the amount of words used during conversation, social appropriateness
n   goal attainment
l   控制變項
n   對象:employer, supervisor, coworker, (customer)

n   對話者之背景(性別、年齡、面部表情、語氣)